
The 4 multipliers of "The Flippening" DFG explained

When the Flippening occurs, the prize pool gets distributed pro-rata to the winners (Those whos prediction is within a radius of 1 week) according to their ticket's strength. The 4 multipliers below combined determine the ticket Strength:

1. Amount Multiplier

Tickets purchased with higher cost receive a higher multiplier over the amount, the goal of this incentization is to reward and encourage increasing the overall pool for the winners. However, in order to balance out the game and avoid having an unfair advantage for whales over smaller accounts, the increase slope of this multiplier is rather shallow and with a decreasing marginal increase.

2. Market Cap Multiplier

This multiplier was designed with three goals in mind: A. To considerbly incentize predicting the Flippening early on, while the market cap ratio of ETH/BTC is farther away from 1:1. B. To make it worthwhile to continue and attempt to predict the Flippening time for users late-in the game C. To dis-incentize predictions when the marketcap ratio becomes closer to 1:1 As can be seen, the multiplier curve starts out very steep (Design goal 1), while its slope later decreases, declining rather slowly (Design goal 2), followed by quick decline towards zero at the 90-95% ratio while predictions are not allowed over 95% (Design goal 3)

3. Proximity Multiplier

All tickets with prediction time within one week of the flippening time share the rewards pool. Once the flippening has occured, each ticket will be given its respective proximity multiplier according to its time difference from when the flippening occured. The underlying goals of this multiplier are: A. To reward all tickets which are close enough, even those at the edges (one week distance) B. Keeping a rather steep curve, so that users whose prediction was much more accurate (be it in the same day, or even the same hour) are given a more significant multiplier C. Keeping the proximity multiplier curve not too steep, in order to negate possible strategies of "spamming" many different hours and dates (In essence, balancing A and B ab

4. TimeStaked multiplier (relevant only for liquidity tickets) - Detailed in the Liquidity tickets section

  • Ticket strength = ticket amount * multipliers

  • Note: The multipliers are expected to stay rather stable as shown above. However, during the alpha phase of the launch the multipliers could be slightly adjusted following the community's feedback. Once the alpha phase is over, the multipliers will become immutable and cannot be altered in any way.

Last updated